Bury FC Reassures Fans After 4th HMRC Winding-up Petition

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) have reportedly issued another winding-up petition against Bury Football Club. It is the fourth winding-up petition served by HMRC against Bury FC this year. 


Bury FC are reassuring their fans that the petition is not an issue. They have dealt with three other winding-up petitions from HMRC this year in January, April and June due to missing the date set for payment of their tax bill.

The petitions were later dismissed but only once the debts to HMRC had been settled.

The club’s statement states that:

‘Over recent years, HMRC have taken a robust stance in their actions towards us, and other football clubs. HMRC appear, by their actions, to be intent on winding a football club up and, sadly, as a result of this we have dealt with a number of petitions in recent times, more often than not for tax which has just fallen due for payment.’

HMRC continues to take a robust stance against football, rugby and other sporting clubs that fail to pay debts owed to HMRC which could be VAT, PAYE, Corporation Tax or other taxes that HMRC collects.

Winding-up Petition Solicitors

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment; CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed, often without public advertisement.

We have represented football and other sporting clubs in disputes with HMRC and as specialists in dealing with HMRC Debt Recovery procedures including petitions can obtain an optimal outcome.

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