Hereford United’s Winding Up Order Adjourned Until 1 September

On Monday 28 July 2014, the Companies Court heard the petition of Hereford United FC which was adjourned again. 


It was reported that Registrar Jones adjourned the case until 1 September, after he was told that the club is exploring proposals for a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) . He said he would adjourn the case in order ‘to see what happens’ at a meeting scheduled to take place on 15 August. Legal representatives appeared for two creditors, Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs and Martin Foyle – who had brought the winding-up petition.

Previous Winding Up Petitions

It was reported that on 16 June 2014, Hereford United FC faced a winding up petition, this time from from Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).

Registrar Sally Barber formally dismissed HMRC’s petition on request from its legal representative, Matt Smith, who said it had not yet been advertised in the London Gazette.

Even though no details were given, this decision could mean that the tax debt that gave rise to the petition has now been paid.

Winding Up Petition Legal Advice

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment, CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed.

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