HMRC Winding-up Petitions: Whitehaven RLFC avoid another Winding-Up Petition

Whitehaven RLFC have reportedly managed to avoid a winding-up petition for the second time  by paying their outstanding bills to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). 

HMRC Winding-up Petition Avoided

Whitehaven RLFC had faced a winding-up petition last year when HMRC brought a petition against them. Whitehaven RLFC chairman, Tommy Todd had declared that the club did not owe any money to the taxman. Tony Todd stated that an undisclosed amount had already been paid in full.

In London’s High Court, Registrar Nicholas Briggs was told that the unpaid tax bill had been paid in full, as a result Registrar Nicholas Briggs dismissed the winding-up petition.  Tony Todd, the chairman has reportedly said there is no ongoing problem and the latest issue concerned a slight delay in payment and claims the order was withdrawn on the day at court.

Whitehaven currently play their trade in the Kingstone Press League 1, after being relegated from the Championship at the end of last season.

Whitehaven RLFC  currently sit second in the table and  now play their trade in the Kingstone Press League 1, after being relegated from the Championship at the end of last season.

HMRC still continues to take a robust stance against football, rugby and other sporting clubs that fail to pay debts owed to HMRC. This could be VAT, PAYE, Corporation Tax or other taxes that HMRC collects.

Winding-up Petition Solicitors

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment; CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed, often without public advertisement.

We have represented football and other sporting clubs in disputes with HMRC and as specialists in dealing with HMRC Debt Recovery procedures including petitions can obtain an optimal outcome


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