HMRC Winding-up Petitions: Bury FC Petition Dismissed

A Winding-up Petition presented by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to the London High Court (Companies Court) against Bury FC has reportedly been dismissed.

Winding-up petition dismissed
Winding-Up Petition against Bury FC dismissed.

HMRC Winding-up Petition Dismissed

The winding-up petition over an unpaid tax bill was reportedly dismissed on Wednesday in the Companies Court, London.

Bury FC originally faced a winding-up petition brought by their former coach Chris Brass over unpaid wages. HMRC soon took over the Petition after the club stopped paying PAYE, National Insurance and VAT earlier in the year.

The petition with HMRC has now been dismissed after a company voluntary arrangement was agreed which allows Bury FC to settle debts by paying back some of what they owe to insolvent companies and creditors whilst coming to an agreement.

Winding-up Petition Solicitors

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment; CVA’s and successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed, often without public advertisement.

We have represented football and other sporting clubs in disputes with HMRC and as specialists in dealing with HMRC Debt Recovery procedures including petitions can obtain an optimal outcome.

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