Leeds United FC Face High Court Winding Up Petition

Leeds United FC has reportedly received a winding-up petition issued by solicitors’ firm Ford & Warren acting on behalf of former club director Melvyn Levi.

Leeds United

It has been reported that Solicitors Ford & Warren issued a winding up petition against Leeds United FC on Friday 7 November 2014. The petition was reportedly issued over unpaid costs relating to a case involving ex-Leeds chairman Ken Bates and former LUFC director Melvyn Levi.

The claim is said to involve a case in which Levi and one of his business partners, Robert Weston, were accused by Ken Bates of dishonest dealings. That allegation was struck out in court, leading to Ford and Warren seeking costs from LUFC.

Ford & Warren are claiming fees in the region of £150,000 and the petition is due to be heard on 13 January 2015.

LUFC Angered by Petition being Leaked to the Media

Leeds United FC reacted angrily to the leaking of the petition issued against them. The club made this statement:

“We have been advised by legal counsel that the publication of the winding-up order to the media within seven days of its service is illegal and amounts to an abuse of process and a contempt of court.

This activity was designed for the sole purpose of putting undue pressure on the football club.

Our lawyers are demanding that the petition be immediately withdrawn, and a full apology made else we will ask the court to dismiss the petition on Monday morning (10/11/14).”

Winding-up Petition Legal Advice

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment, CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed.


Please note that if you have been served a statutory demand or winding-up petition or warned about your file being passed from HMRC’s Debt Management to HMRC’s Enforcement or Solicitor’s Office do not delay in taking legal advice. Your matter can be handled more effectively the sooner you obtain legal advice and representation.

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The information on this website is not legal advice; you should always obtain specific advice on the circumstances of your case. Our Winding-up Petition Solicitors & Barristers provide specialist legal advice based on decades of expertise. Click here or call +442071830529 to get in touch. For regulatory reasons we do not take on low value cases nor provide free legal advice, information or guidance and our team cannot answer questions from non-clients.

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