Winding-up of Hereford United FC Adjourned Until December

Hereford United FC have been given yet more time to pay off their debts by the Companies Court.


HUFC’s Winding-up Order Adjourned Again

It was reported that HUFC were granted another adjournment to their winding-up order this morning.

The Bulls will be back at the Companies Court on Monday, 1 December 2014, after reportedly revealing a £1.5million investment, although it is not clear who the mystery backers are.

Hereford owe in the region of £365,000, including more than £115,000 to HM Revenues and Customs.

Previous Adjournment

On 8 September 2014, Hereford United FC were given an additional 42 days to pay off debts after a petition for a winding-up order was adjourned in the High Court.

It was reported that the club reached a settlement with its main claimant, former manager Martin Foyle. However, HMRC were still owed £116,000 by the club.

They had originally been a supporting creditor of the former petitioning creditor, Martin Foyle, however because Hereford United reached a settlement with Mr Foyle, HMRC took over the petition and became the new petitioning creditor.

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