Court Dismisses HMRC Winding Up Petition Against Hereford United F.C

The winding up petition served by HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) against Hereford United F.C was dismissed by Registrar Barber at the Companies Court, Royal Court of Justice on 27 January 2014. The dismissal of the petition came after the board of directors secured funds to pay off the club’s outstanding tax bill of £36,500 to HMRC. As a result, the club has managed to avoid a winding up order.  

HMRC Winding Up Petition

In 2012, the club was able to pay off debt owed to HMRC thanks to television funding from their game against Cheltenham Town FC  (which was covered by ESPN). Last month, we reported that HMRC served a winding up petition against Hereford United FC after owing it £120,000.

However, after paying £160,000, the club found it owed an undisclosed amount dating back to 26 November 2013. The winding up petition hearing was listed to take place at the Companies Court on Monday 27 January 2014.

Settlement: Avoiding  HMRC Winding Up Petition

It has been reported that the club managed to secure funds which were underwritten by its board of directors and as a result, the petition was dismissed at the hearing on 27 January 2o14. Had the club failed to pay the outstanding tax bill (or agree an out of court settlement) the club may have been wound up.

The club has acknowledged that there is plenty of work to be done going forward and it issued a statement stating:

“..the hard work continues, both on and off the pitch. Internally the club will continue to review all lines of cost to ensure there is absolutely no wastage and that moving forward the club inchs towards a break-even budget for next season.”

In a recent game between Hereford United F.C and Southport F.C, the club received over £2,900 in donations from fans. The club have asked Hereford United Independent Supporters Association (HUISA) to continue overseeing the club’s fundraising operation.

Winding Up Petition Legal Advice

If you have received a HMRC winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment, CVA’s or reach an out of court settlement to ensure that the winding up petition is dismissed.

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