Longhorns BBQ Smokehouse hopes to resolve winding up order ‘voluntarily’

The Newcastle based restaurant, Longhorns BBQ has reportedly closed its doors following a winding up petition filed by the landlord.

winding-up petition
            Longhorns BBQ Smokehouse face Winding-up petition.

Winding-Up Petition

The Newcastle County Court heard that Longhorns BBQ Smokehouse are anticipating a resolution to the dispute with its landlord “voluntarily”.

The petition was filed by the landlord of Longhorns’ former restaurant in Jesmond, Zara Commercial Limited. The Jesmond branch closed in March, and it is understood that Longhorns has remained liable for the rent, after failing to find another company to take over the premises.

Barrister Matthew Maddison appeared on behalf of Longhorns, for the initial hearing of the case. Mr. Maddison stated that “both sides have agreed to a 28 day adjournment and hope matters can be solved voluntarily”.

During the hearing it was not made clear, as to whether Longhorns would be reopening.

Paul Henzell, owner of Longhorns, has been running the business alone following the resignation of his business partner, Michael Dixon, in December.

Mr. Henzell hopes to continue with the business based at Mosley Street, their Newcastle city center branch and open a chain of similar branches.

Mr. Henzell expressed he planned to have the business carry out more private catering events and serve food at festivals. Despite the closure of the Jesmond restaurant earlier this year along with the loss of contracts to serve food in five Head of Steam pubs.

The restaurant was a popular place amongst young diners on Tyneside with its Texas-style barbecue food.

Longhorns has received a number of good reviews, with one diner applauding it for its “bold style, quality ingredients” and describing it as a “welcome addition to Newcastle city centre”.

Winding-up Petition Solicitors

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment; CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding  up Petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed, often without public advertisement.


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