Hereford United FC Avoid Being Wound Up

Hereford United FC have reportedly evaded the threat of closure by paying their overdue tax. The Conference Premier club were apparently short of their £78,000 target at Monday’s High Court hearing in London to answer a winding-up petition brought by HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”). 


The Bulls Takes Steps To Avoid Being Wound Up

The clubs chairman David Keyte said,

 ‘I managed to negotiate an agreement with the HMRC.’

David Keyte revealed that the club actually made a provisional £40,000 payment to HMRC last Friday and fellow director Dave Preedy attended court on Monday to seek an adjournment in order to give them time to raise the second instalment of a similar amount.

Adjournment of the Winding-up Petition

On Monday 7 April, Hereford United were granted a seven-day adjournment by the High Court to settle their outstanding tax bill. The Conference Premier club were still £4,000 short of their £78,000 target at Monday’s hearing in London to answer a winding-up petition. However, they believe that money raised recently will meet the shortfall.

Hereford’s Previous Winding Up Petition

Earlier this year the Bulls were served with a winding up petition which was brought by HMRC, over an unpaid £36,800 PAYE bill. We reported on this in January 2014 and on the subsequent dismissal of the petition:

The winding up petition served by HM Revenue and Customs (“HMRC”) against Hereford United F.C was dismissed by Registrar Barber at the Companies Court, Royal Court of Justice on 27 January 2014.  The dismissal of the petition came after the board of directors secured funds to pay off the club’s outstanding tax bill of £36,500 to HMRC. As a result, the club has managed to avoid a winding up order.

Winding Up Petition Legal Advice

If you have received a winding up petition our legal experts are able to provide legal advice and representation. Our team of solicitors and barristers can obtain a court adjournment, CVA’s or successfully challenge the validity of the winding up petition to ensure that the petition is dismissed.

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